- 17 November, 2012 in People & Adventures
Kinect A/V performance
ETHNO TEKH | live at Enig’matik Vibrations [Melb,Aus] 2012 from Ethno Tekh on Vimeo.
The last time we saw a kinect performance this well developed, it was sponsored by an energy drink company (see The V-Motion Project). Ethno Tekh‘s take on a similar performance style feels truly live thanks to the nature of the venue and less post production. Here’s a bunch more info direct from the creators:
Ethno Tekh | ethnotekh.com | is a collaboration between Brad Hammond and Chris Vik, in a motion-controlled, A/V act. Our performances are totally live, using the Kinect, Ableton Live and a number of custom tools built in Unity3D and Max/MSP/M4L.The audio is built by using the Kinect to play and loop synths and other sound generating VSTs. Along with the live instruments there are backing drum loops and buildup sounds which are triggered the foot switches (FCB1010) to provide an extra layering to the tracks that canât be controlled live with the kinect alone. Scripted sounds are kept to an absolute minimum, with the flow of the pieces and the layering completely controlled by Chris.
The motion control data as well as audio analysis feed into the visual system which brings to life real time rendered audio reactive abstract visuals. The visuals consist mostly of generative abstract geometry, glitchy shaders and procedural animation produced in Unity.
The audio backing, looped and live content can be seen on screen which is representing FFT data analyzed on the audio-computer and sent via OSC to the visual computer.
There is NO post on this video except editing between the cameras and between the audio captured by the cameras and direct feed. This is literally the performance from start to finish.
Keep up to date with us on facebook.com/EthnoTekh -