• Owl Project’s m-Log nature’s controller

    Leafcutter John's m-Log

    Leafcutter John's custom built m-Log controller. Photo - owlproject.com

    In the world of controllerism, controllers range from fairly standard to downright wacky. We’ll let you decide where Owl Project’s m-Log controller falls on this continuum.

    Owl Project
    , the UK based group that brought us the iLog photo-synthesizer and the Log1k synthesizer, have created the DIY m-Log kit, which gives controllerists all the parts they need to build a USB powered controller out of, well, a wooden log.

    The m-Log controller is totally customizable, and can be outfitted with various buttons, knobs, switches, accelerometers, infrared sensors and probably any other controls you can think of.

    Owl Project has hosted m-Log workshops in London and created a developers blog to help builders make their very own wooden controllers.

    For more information about the m-Log and other wooden creations, please visit owlproject.com.